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3 years ago I had heard about this huge annual watercolor festival that takes place somewhere in Italy where all Watercolor Masters, artists, enthusiasts go. It has been a dream of mine to participate in something like this and now, 2019, I am honored to be one of the representatives of Canada at the Fabriano in Acquarello Festival in Italy. Thank you to Alfonso L. Tejada for the opportunity. Ciao Italy, here I come, a presto!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fabriano! More posts to come. This reminds me very much of the El Camino but this time, less walking and more art!

There were master demonstrations like this. Two mastros painting together, Cesc Farre and Pablo Ruben Sans.

There were plenty demos every day, one with Christian Flores who showed us his watercolor "secret" to painting the way he does.

This was the first painting I had done in Fabriano of two mastros painting together.

One of the cool activities at the festival is what I call it the Watercolor Train.

I think this group painting stretched up to 100 meters.

Every 5 minutes we move forward to work on what the previous artist had painted.

Super cool to see how it all starts and develops.

We painted on rice paper, sponsored by the China team.

Thank you Pandy Singian for the pictures!

Min Dahm from Poland, Tiger Milk from Poland as well, Rahul Chakraborty from India and yours truly!

The town of Fabriano is known for its hand made artisan paper.

I got to make one with Mastro Salvatori Federico who guided me in the fine art of hand-made paper making!

Salvatori Federico has a striking resemblance to a professional wrestler of the 70's "Superstar" Billy Graham.

I painted a small portrait of him on a very thin sheet of paper with an awkward flap on the side. I thought it was just some test paper to be given away. It turned out to be a beautifully constructed piece that folds into an envelop.

I never thought I'd ever paint on an envelop before but there's always a first time for everything and this I've had the pleasure to paint, on one fine, authentic, hand made paper from Fabriano.

Mastro Lorenzo Santoni is the youngest Italian paper maker in Fabriano. He learned the medieval art of handmade paper making at age 27 and now has plans of world domination.

I painted his portrait on his special Lorenzo Santoni watercolor paper.

All his papers are double sized, 100% cotton, 300 gsm, cold pressed, made by hand. I was fortunate enough to be given a tour of his paper lab.

Thanks for the lift and the authentic Italian pizza!

I met some fellow Filipinos at the Hotel Gentile that I was staying.

I was so happy to see Team Philippines in Fabriano. All talented and beautiful women I had the pleasure to meet.

Pilipinas represent!


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